Saturday, September 24, 2016

working on a storey of perhaps more interest to my frineds in the SCA

the SCA is a non profit educational group that explores the past before 1600. we create out own personas and tell there stories and learn what and what how they might have done things. My primary persona is Named Konstans Erickidaes I have also created 2 half borhers Issac bin Erick and Boryn erickson and in the SCA and there Facebook pages I share material that might be of interest to. back the story These folks live in the early 13th century and have lives that central around the great city Constainpole in the 1204 the city was taken by the 4th crusade this story conicles the lives of a few people that might have lived through though this trying time and check their dad for stuff about him and his sons in the modern world and medieval Erick of Kiev

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